On 10/11/2016 3:27 AM, Jerome Yang wrote:
> Then, I index some new documents, and commit. I find that the
> documents are all indexed in shard1 and the leader of shard1 don't
> have these new documents but other replicas do have these new documents. 

Not sure why the leader would be missing the documents but other
replicas have them, but I do have a theory about why they are only in
shard1.  Testing that theory will involve obtaining some information
from your system:

What is the router on the restored collection? You can see this in the
admin UI by going to Cloud->Tree, opening "collections", and clicking on
the collection.  In the right-hand side, there will be some info from
zookeeper, with some JSON below it that should mention the router.  I
suspect that the router on the new collection may have been configured
as implicit, instead of compositeId.


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