Thanks very much for your help so far with this one. I have captured the logs 
from a commit which shows a commit and new searcher starting.
It appears a few ERROR's are amongst the logs and a few uninverting lines. 
The query is a very basic query as shown below:
        <lst> <str name="fq">DataType_s:Product</str>
              <str name="fq">WebSections_ms:house</str>
              <str name="fq">VisibleOnline_ms:NAT</str>
              <str name="q">SS_Stage_ms:Live</str>
              <str name="start">0</str>
              <str name="rows">20</str>

INFO  (qtp755840090-55) [   x:core1] o.a.s.c.SolrCore 
SolrDeletionPolicy.onCommit: commits: num=2
maxCacheMB=48.0 maxMergeSizeMB=4.0),segFN=segments_9kgw,generation=446432}
maxCacheMB=48.0 maxMergeSizeMB=4.0),segFN=segments_9kgx,generation=446433}
INFO  (qtp755840090-55) [   x:core1] o.a.s.c.SolrCore newest commit generation 
= 446433
INFO  (qtp755840090-55) [   x:core1] o.a.s.s.SolrIndexSearcher Opening 
Searcher@63f1fac[core1] main
INFO  (searcherExecutor-7-thread-1-processing-x:core1) [   x:core1] 
o.a.s.c.SolrCore QuerySenderListener sending requests to 
Uninverting(_aap3(5.3.1):c252/2:delGen=2) Uninverting(_aaqb(5.3.1):C1) 
Uninverting(_aaqd(5.3.1):C1) Uninverting(_aaqh(5.3.1):C1) 
Uninverting(_aaqj(5.3.1):C1) Uninverting(_aaqm(5.3.1):C2/1:delGen=1) 
Uninverting(_aaqo(5.3.1):C1) Uninverting(_aaqq(5.3.1):C1) 
ERROR (searcherExecutor-7-thread-1-processing-x:core1) [   x:core1] 
o.a.s.c.SolrCore Previous SolrRequestInfo was not closed!  req=wt=json
ERROR (searcherExecutor-7-thread-1-processing-x:core1) [   x:core1] 
o.a.s.c.SolrCore prev == info : false
INFO  (searcherExecutor-7-thread-1-processing-x:core1) [   x:core1] 
o.a.s.c.S.Request [core1] webapp=null path=null 
 hits=2541 status=0 QTime=18
INFO  (searcherExecutor-7-thread-1-processing-x:core1) [   x:core1] 
o.a.s.c.SolrCore QuerySenderListener done.
INFO  (searcherExecutor-7-thread-1-processing-x:core1) [   x:core1] 
o.a.s.c.SolrCore [core1] Registered new searcher Searcher@63f1fac[core1] 
Uninverting(_aap3(5.3.1):c252/2:delGen=2) Uninverting(_aaqb(5.3.1):C1) 
Uninverting(_aaqd(5.3.1):C1) Uninverting(_aaqh(5.3.1):C1) 
Uninverting(_aaqj(5.3.1):C1) Uninverting(_aaqm(5.3.1):C2/1:delGen=1) 
Uninverting(_aaqo(5.3.1):C1) Uninverting(_aaqq(5.3.1):C1) 
INFO  (qtp755840090-55) [   x:core1] o.a.s.u.UpdateHandler end_commit_flush

    On Tuesday, 18 October 2016, 0:49, Erick Erickson <> 

 Wow, wouldn't it be useful if the name of the field was dumped in the
message ;)...

You should see a query happen just before that message in the log
file. It won't quite be in the same format as a URL, but it's
reasonably easy to figure out.

Uninverting happens as a result of
> sorting
> faceting
> grouping
> ???

So the crude approach wold be to find the query(s) that precede this
then break it apart submitting one of the above operations from the
query in question at a time while tailing the logs.

And by "after the warming queries", I'm assuming that the searcher has
successfully opened (there'll be a message in the log).

BTW, DocValues fields are strongly recommended for any field that gets


On Sun, Oct 16, 2016 at 10:28 PM, Dalton Gooding
<> wrote:
> Erick,
> I think you might have nailed it.
> After the three warming queries, I get the below when registering a new
> searcher. How can I find out what I am missing in my warming queries?
>  Registered new searcher Searcher@15cdc368[core1]
> main{ExitableDirectoryReader(UninvertingDirectoryReader(Uninverting(_a3p4(5.3.1):C313761/57815:delGen=1722)
> Uninverting(_a7bs(5.3.1):c22601/8393:delGen=464)
> Uninverting(_a7np(5.3.1):C37794/13471:delGen=244)
> Uninverting(_a7rp(5.3.1):c2490/760:delGen=77)
> Uninverting(_a7u7(5.3.1):c5968/338:delGen=27)
> Uninverting(_a7rz(5.3.1):c4306/1718:delGen=94)
> Uninverting(_a806(5.3.1):c1734/7:delGen=6)
> Uninverting(_a7tx(5.3.1):c1900/67:delGen=10)
> Uninverting(_a7tn(5.3.1):c1900/24:delGen=9)
> Uninverting(_a7yt(5.3.1):c2643/144:delGen=8)
> Uninverting(_a7zn(5.3.1):c1595/2:delGen=2) Uninverting(_a82v(5.3.1):c31)
> Uninverting(_a843(5.3.1):c23/3:delGen=1)
> Uninverting(_a844(5.3.1):C3/1:delGen=1) Uninverting(_a846(5.3.1):C1)
> Uninverting(_a848(5.3.1):C5/1:delGen=1) Uninverting(_a84a(5.3.1):C1)
> Uninverting(_a84c(5.3.1):C1)))}
> On Friday, 14 October 2016, 9:50, Erick Erickson <>
> wrote:
> Well, that's a puzzle, sorry I don't have a good answer.
> The fact that your newSearcher event  to be fired _should_ populate
> the low-level caches. BTW, what's your autowarm count on filterCache and
> queryResultCache? Have you tried setting them to non-zero values? Those
> won't help when you first start Solr, but that should be rare.
> Do note that your newSearcher events should mention a series of different
> values
> from the fields in question.
> Actually here's what I'd do. Look carefully in your Solr log after you
> do a commit and
> particularly when you fire your first query after the new searcher is
> opened. Do you see
> any suspicious messages like "Uninverting field" or the like? That
> would indicate sorting
> or faceting on a field that wasn't warmed by the newSearcher because
> you didn't mention
> sorting or faceting or whatever in your warming query.
> Can we see the newSearcher entry and the query you say is "similar"
> but slow. My _guess_
> is that some innocent-seeming difference between the two is the issue.
> Best,
> Erick
> On Sun, Oct 9, 2016 at 7:08 PM, Dalton Gooding
> <> wrote:
>> Erick,
>> I have tried tuning the queries with some limited success. I still get
>> drastic differences between the first time I fire my warming query (after
>> newSearcher ran query) and the second time, or any variant of the query
>> i.e.
>> removing fields or changing parameters, it runs much faster.
>> I am not sure what I am missing here, I put a query into the newSearcher
>> section that runs fine, but the exact same query run after warming still
>> takes the full time of a un-warmed query.
>> Can you break it down to the most basic type of newSearcher query to try
>> and
>> shrink the gap between first query and subsequent queries sent?
>> I cannot see why sending the same query after a newSearcher is slow, when
>> subsequent queries run faster. I figured this was the idea of the
>> newSearcher stanza's.
>> On Friday, 7 October 2016, 14:45, Erick Erickson <>
>> wrote:
>> Replying on the public thread, somehow your mail was sent to me privately.
>> Pasted your email to me below for others.
>> You are still confusing documents and results. Forget about the rows
>> parameter, for this discussion it's irrelevant.
>> The QTime is the time spent searching. It is unaffected by whether a
>> document is in the documentCache or not.
>> It _solely_ measures the time that Solr/Lucene take to find the top N
>> documents (where N is the rows param) and
>> record their internal Lucene doc ID.
>> Increasing the rows or the document cache won't change anything about
>> the QTime. The documentCache is
>> totally the wrong place to focus.
>> The response when you re-submit the query suggests that getting the
>> top N docs' internal Lucene ID is
>> fetched from the queryResultCache. Changing the window size is also
>> irrelevant to this discussion. If you
>> vary the query even slightly you won't hit the queryResultCache. A
>> very easy way to check this is the
>> admin UI>>select core>>plugins/stats>>QueryHandler and then probably
>> the "select" handler. If you see
>> the hits go up after the fast query then you're getting the results
>> from the querResultCache.
>> What _is_ relevant is populating the low-level Lucene caches with
>> values from the indexed terms. My
>> contention is that this is not happening with match-all queries, i.e.
>> field:* or field:[* TO *] because in
>> those cases, a doc matches or doesn't based on whether it has anything
>> in the field. There's no point
>> in finding values since it doesn't matter anyway. And "finding values"
>> means reading indexed terms
>> from disk into low-level Lucene caches.
>> When I say "populate the low-level Lucene caches", what I'm really
>> talking about is reading them from
>> disk into your physical memory via MMapDirectory, see Uwe's excellent
>> blog:
>> So the suggestion is that you use real values from your index or
>> possibly ranges is so that part or all
>> of your disk files get read into MMapDirectorySpace via the first or
>> new Searcher event.
>> Please just give it a try. My bet is that you'll see your QTime values
>> first time after autowarming
>> go down. Significantly. Be sure to use a wide variety of different
>> values for autowarming.
>> BTW, the autowarmCounts in solrconfig.xml filterCache and
>> queryResultCache are intended
>> to warm by using the last N fq or q clauses on the theory that the
>> most recent N are predictive
>> of the next N.
>> Best,
>> Erick
>> ***************
>> I believe the return time back to the command line from the curl
>> command and the QTime as shown below
>> time curl -v
>> 'http://<SolR>/solr/core1/select?fq=DataType_s%3AProduct&fq=WebSections_ms%3Ahouse&fq=%28VisibleOnline_ms%3ANAT+OR+VisibleOnline_ms%3A7%29&fq=%7B%21tag%3Dcurrent_group%7DGroupIds_ms%3A458&sort=SalesRank_f+desc&facet=true&facet.field=%7B%21ex%3Dcurrent_group%7Dattr_GroupLevel0&facet.field=BrandID_s&facet.field=%7B%21ex%3Dcurrent_group%7Dattr_GroupLevel2&facet.field=%7B%21ex%3Dcurrent_group%7Dattr_GroupLevel1&facet.field=SubBrandID_s&facet.field=ProductAttr_967_ms&facet.field=ProductAttr_NEG21_ms&facet.field=ProductAttr_1852_ms&facet.query=Price_7_f%3A%5B%2A+TO+%2A%5D&facet.query=Price_2_f%3A%5B%2A+TO+%2A%5D&facet.query=Price_3_f%3A%5B%2A+TO+%2A%5D&facet.query=Price_4_f%3A%5B%2A+TO+%2A%5D&facet.query=Price_5_f%3A%5B%2A+TO+%2A%5D&facet.query=Price_6_f%3A%5B%2A+TO+%2A%5D&facet.mincount=1&wt=json&'
>> real    0m1.436s
>> user    0m0.001s
>> sys    0m0.006s
>> "QTime":1387
>> From what you suggested, changing the rows value from 20 to something
>> greater should add more documents to the cache. Injunction with tuning
>> the queries to remove the * wild card, this should provide a better
>> warming query?
>> Should I also increase the queryResultWindowSize in the solrconfig.xml
>> to help built out the cache?
>> Cheers,
>> Guy
>> On Thu, Oct 6, 2016 at 4:43 PM, Dalton Gooding
>> <> wrote:
>>> Erick,
>>> Thanks for the response. After I run the initial query and get a long
>>> response time, if I change the query to remove or add additional query
>>> statements, I find the speed is good.
>>> If I run the modified query after a new searcher has registered, the
>>> response is slow but after the modified query has been completed, the
>>> warming query sent from CuRl is much faster. I assume it is because the
>>> document cache has updated with the documents from the modified query. A
>>> large number of our queries work with the same document set, I am trying
>>> to
>>> get a warming query to populate the document cache to be as big as
>>> feasible.
>>> Should the firstSearcher and newSearcher warm the document cache?
>>> On Friday, 7 October 2016, 9:31, Erick Erickson <>
>>> wrote:
>>> Submitting the exact same query twice will return results from the
>>> queryResultCache. I'm not entirely
>>> sure that the firstSearcher events get put into the cache.
>>> So if you change the query even slighty my guess is that you'll see
>>> response times very close to your
>>> original ones of over a second.
>>> Best,
>>> Erick
>>> On Thu, Oct 6, 2016 at 2:56 PM, Dalton Gooding
>>> <> wrote:
>>>> After setting a number of newSearcher and firstSearcher queries, I can
>>>> see
>>>> in the console logs that the queries are run, but when I run the same
>>>> query
>>>> against the new searcher (using CuRL), I get a slow response time for
>>>> the
>>>> first run.
>>>> Config:
>>>>    <listener event="newSearcher" class="solr.QuerySenderListener">
>>>> <arr name="queries">        <lst> <str
>>>> name="fq">DataType_s:Product</str>
>>>> <str name="fq">WebSections_ms:house</str>              <str
>>>> name="fq">{!tag=current_group}GroupIds_ms:*</str>
>>>>              <str name="facet">true</str>              <str
>>>> name="facet.field">BrandID_s</str>              <str
>>>> name="facet.query">Price_2_f:[* TO *]</str>              <str
>>>> name="facet.query">Price_3_f:[* TO *]</str>              <str
>>>> name="facet.query">Price_4_f:[* TO *]</str>              <str
>>>> name="facet.query">Price_5_f:[* TO *]</str>              <str
>>>> name="facet.query">Price_6_f:[* TO *]</str>              <str
>>>> name="facet.query">Price_7_f:[* TO *]</str>              <str
>>>> name="facet.query">Price_8_f:[* TO *]</str>              <str
>>>> name="facet.mincount">1</str>              <str
>>>> name="facet.method">fc</str>
>>>> <str name="wt">json</str>              <str name="">map</str>
>>>> <str name="q">(title:* OR text:*)</str>              <str
>>>> name="start">0</str>              <str name="rows">20</str>
>>>> </lst>
>>>> </arr>  </listener>
>>>> Console log:
>>>> INFO  (searcherExecutor-7-thread-1-processing-x:core1) [  x:core1]
>>>> o.a.s.c.S.Request [core1] webapp=null path=null
>>>> params={facet=true&facet.mincount=1&start=0&facet.query=Price_2_f:[*+TO+*]&facet.query=Price_3_f:[*+TO+*]&facet.query=Price_4_f:[*+TO+*]&facet.query=Price_5_f:[*+TO+*]&facet.query=Price_6_f:[*+TO+*]&facet.query=Price_7_f:[*+TO+*]&facet.query=Price_8_f:[*+TO+*]&event=newSearcher&q=(title:*+OR+text:*)&distrib=false&{!tag%3Dcurrent_group}GroupIds_ms:*&rows=20}
>>>> hits=2549 status=0 QTime=1263
>>>> If I run the same query after the index has registered I see a QTime of
>>>> over a second, the second time I run the query I see around 80ms. This
>>>> leads
>>>> me to believe the warming did not occur or the query was not commited to
>>>> cache on start up of the new searcher.
>>>> Can someone please advise on how to use the newSearcher queries to
>>>> effectively warm SolR caches. Should I see an improved response for the
>>>> first time I run the query if the same query has been used as a
>>>> newSearcher
>>>> query?
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Dalton
>> On Thu, Oct 6, 2016 at 4:43 PM, Dalton Gooding
>> <> wrote:
>>> Erick,
>>> Thanks for the response. After I run the initial query and get a long
>>> response time, if I change the query to remove or add additional query
>>> statements, I find the speed is good.
>>> If I run the modified query after a new searcher has registered, the
>>> response is slow but after the modified query has been completed, the
>>> warming query sent from CuRl is much faster. I assume it is because the
>>> document cache has updated with the documents from the modified query. A
>>> large number of our queries work with the same document set, I am trying
>>> to
>>> get a warming query to populate the document cache to be as big as
>>> feasible.
>>> Should the firstSearcher and newSearcher warm the document cache?
>>> On Friday, 7 October 2016, 9:31, Erick Erickson <>
>>> wrote:
>>> Submitting the exact same query twice will return results from the
>>> queryResultCache. I'm not entirely
>>> sure that the firstSearcher events get put into the cache.
>>> So if you change the query even slighty my guess is that you'll see
>>> response times very close to your
>>> original ones of over a second.
>>> Best,
>>> Erick
>>> On Thu, Oct 6, 2016 at 2:56 PM, Dalton Gooding
>>> <> wrote:
>>>> After setting a number of newSearcher and firstSearcher queries, I can
>>>> see
>>>> in the console logs that the queries are run, but when I run the same
>>>> query
>>>> against the new searcher (using CuRL), I get a slow response time for
>>>> the
>>>> first run.
>>>> Config:
>>>>    <listener event="newSearcher" class="solr.QuerySenderListener">
>>>> <arr name="queries">        <lst> <str
>>>> name="fq">DataType_s:Product</str>
>>>> <str name="fq">WebSections_ms:house</str>              <str
>>>> name="fq">{!tag=current_group}GroupIds_ms:*</str>
>>>>              <str name="facet">true</str>              <str
>>>> name="facet.field">BrandID_s</str>              <str
>>>> name="facet.query">Price_2_f:[* TO *]</str>              <str
>>>> name="facet.query">Price_3_f:[* TO *]</str>              <str
>>>> name="facet.query">Price_4_f:[* TO *]</str>              <str
>>>> name="facet.query">Price_5_f:[* TO *]</str>              <str
>>>> name="facet.query">Price_6_f:[* TO *]</str>              <str
>>>> name="facet.query">Price_7_f:[* TO *]</str>              <str
>>>> name="facet.query">Price_8_f:[* TO *]</str>              <str
>>>> name="facet.mincount">1</str>              <str
>>>> name="facet.method">fc</str>
>>>> <str name="wt">json</str>              <str name="">map</str>
>>>> <str name="q">(title:* OR text:*)</str>              <str
>>>> name="start">0</str>              <str name="rows">20</str>
>>>> </lst>
>>>> </arr>  </listener>
>>>> Console log:
>>>> INFO  (searcherExecutor-7-thread-1-processing-x:core1) [  x:core1]
>>>> o.a.s.c.S.Request [core1] webapp=null path=null
>>>> params={facet=true&facet.mincount=1&start=0&facet.query=Price_2_f:[*+TO+*]&facet.query=Price_3_f:[*+TO+*]&facet.query=Price_4_f:[*+TO+*]&facet.query=Price_5_f:[*+TO+*]&facet.query=Price_6_f:[*+TO+*]&facet.query=Price_7_f:[*+TO+*]&facet.query=Price_8_f:[*+TO+*]&event=newSearcher&q=(title:*+OR+text:*)&distrib=false&{!tag%3Dcurrent_group}GroupIds_ms:*&rows=20}
>>>> hits=2549 status=0 QTime=1263
>>>> If I run the same query after the index has registered I see a QTime of
>>>> over a second, the second time I run the query I see around 80ms. This
>>>> leads
>>>> me to believe the warming did not occur or the query was not commited to
>>>> cache on start up of the new searcher.
>>>> Can someone please advise on how to use the newSearcher queries to
>>>> effectively warm SolR caches. Should I see an improved response for the
>>>> first time I run the query if the same query has been used as a
>>>> newSearcher
>>>> query?
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Dalton


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