Hi Eyal,

ICUFoldingFilter uses http://site.icu-project.org under the hood.
If you think there is a bug, it is better to ask its mailing list.


On Sunday, October 30, 2016 3:41 PM, "eyal.naam...@exlibrisgroup.com" 
<eyal.naam...@exlibrisgroup.com> wrote:

I was wondering if anyone ran into the following issue, or a similar one:
In Han script there are two separate characters - 宅 (FA04) and 宅 (5B85).
It seems that ICUFoldingFilter converts FA04 to 5B85, which results in the 
wrong character being indexed.
Does anyone have any idea if and how this can be resolved? Is there an option 
to add an exception rule to ICUFoldingFilter?

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