On 11/3/2016 9:10 AM, Pablo Anzorena wrote:
> Thanks for the answer.
> I checked the log and it wasn't logging anything.
> The error i'm facing is way bizarre... I create a new fresh collection and
> then index with no problem, but it keeps throwing this error if i copy the
> collection from one solrcloud to the other and then index.
> Any clue on why is this happening?

Solr's source code doesn't seem to even have a 405 error, so I bet
what's happening is that you have Solr sitting behind a proxy or load
balancer, and that server doesn't like the request you sent, so it
rejects it and Solr never receives anything.

Here's an excerpt of code from the SolrException class in the master branch:

   * This list of valid HTTP Status error codes that Solr may return in
   * the case of a "Server Side" error.
   * @since solr 1.2
  public enum ErrorCode {
    BAD_REQUEST( 400 ),
    UNAUTHORIZED( 401 ),
    FORBIDDEN( 403 ),
    NOT_FOUND( 404 ),
    CONFLICT( 409 ),
    SERVER_ERROR( 500 ),
    INVALID_STATE( 510 ),
    public final int code;
    private ErrorCode( int c )
      code = c;
    public static ErrorCode getErrorCode(int c){
      for (ErrorCode err : values()) {
        if(err.code == c) return err;
      return UNKNOWN;


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