On 28/11/2016 13:11, Jaroslaw Rozanski wrote:

Thanks for elaborate response. Missed the link to duplicate JIRA. Makes

On the 5.x front I wasn't expecting 5.6 release now that we have 6.x but
was simply surprised to see fix for 4.x and not for 5.x.

As for adoption levels, it was my subjective feel reading this list. Do
we have community survey on that subject? That would be really
interesting to see.

We still see Solr 4.x running in the wild, though not so often these days. 5.x is also common especially when running under other systems such as Drupal or Sitecore (the developers of these systems and others that integrate Solr will often get something running with whatever version is reasonably current - often a barely modified example config - then not touch it again for ages. We obviously recommend 6.x for new installations and encourage others to upgrade to this if possible. Note that this upgrade process gets harder the further you are away from the current release.




On 28/11/16 12:59, Shawn Heisey wrote:
On 11/28/2016 4:29 AM, Jaroslaw Rozanski wrote:
Recently I have noticed that couple of Solr issues have been
resolved/added only for Solr 4.x and Solr 6.x branch. For example
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-2242. Has Solr 5.x branch
been moved to maintenance mode only? The 5 wasn't around for long
before 6 came about so I appreciate its adoption might not be vast.
The 5.0 version was announced in March 2015.  The 6.0 version was
announced in April 2016.  Looks like 4.x was current for a little less
than three years (July 2012 for 4.0).  5.x had one year, which I
wouldn't call really call a short time.

Since the release of 6.0, 4.x is dead and 5.x is in maintenance mode.
Maintenance mode means that only particularly nasty bugs are fixed and
only extremely trivial features are added.  The latter is usually only
done if the lack of the feature can be considered a bug.  There is never
any guarantee that a new 5.x release will be made, but if that happens,
it will be a 5.5.x release.  The likelihood of seeing a 5.6 release is
VERY low.

SOLR-2242 is a duplicate of SOLR-6348.  It probably had 4.9 in the fixed
version field because that's what was already in it when it was resolved
as a duplicate.  It's a very old issue that's been around since the 3.x
days.  No changes were committed for SOLR-2242.  The changes for
SOLR-6348 were committed to 5.2 and 6.0.  I have updated the fix
versions in the older issue to match.  The versions should probably all
be removed, but I am not sure what our general rule is for duplicates.


Charlie Hull
Flax - Open Source Enterprise Search

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