On 12/5/2016 6:44 AM, kshitij tyagi wrote:
>       - lookups:381
>       - hits:24
>       - hitratio:0.06
>       - inserts:363
>       - evictions:0
>       - size:345
>       - warmupTime:2932
>       - cumulative_lookups:294948
>       - cumulative_hits:15840
>       - cumulative_hitratio:0.05
>       - cumulative_inserts:277963
>       - cumulative_evictions:70078
>       How can I increase my hit ratio? I am not able to understand solr
>       caching mechanism clearly. Please help.

This means that out of the nearly 300000 queries executed by that
handler, only five percent (15000) of them were found in the cache.  The
rest of them were not found in the cache at the moment they were made. 
Since these numbers come from the queryResultCache, this refers to the
"q" parameter.  The filterCache handles things in the fq parameter.  The
documentCache holds actual documents from your index and fills in stored
data in results so the document doesn't have to be fetched from the index.

Possible reasons:  1) Your users are rarely entering the same query more
than once.  2) Your client code is adding something unique to every
query (q parameter) so very few of them are the same.  3) You are
committing so frequently that the cache never has a chance to get large
enough to make a difference.

Here are some queryResultCache stats from one of my indexes:

    class:    org.apache.solr.search.FastLRUCache
    version:    1.0
    description:    Concurrent LRU Cache(maxSize=512, initialSize=512,
minSize=460, acceptableSize=486, cleanupThread=true,
    src:    $URL:
    lookups:   3496
    hits:      3145
    hitratio:  0.9
    inserts:   335
    evictions: 0
    size:      338
    warmupTime: 2209
    cumulative_lookups:   12394606
    cumulative_hits:      11247114
    cumulative_hitratio:  0.91
    cumulative_inserts:   1110375
    cumulative_evictions: 409887

These numbers indicate that 91 percent of the queries made to this
handler were served from the cache.


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