Hi Yonik,

here is an update on what I’ve tried so far, unfortunately without any more 

The field directive is (should have included this when asking the question):

   <field name="popularity" type="float" indexed="true" stored="false" 
required="false" multiValued="false" docValues="true“/>

I have also re-indexed (removed data/ and indexed from scratch). The popularity 
field is populated with random values (as I don’t have the real values from 
production) meaning that all documents have values > 0.

Here the statistics output:


And this is the relevant facet output from calling

num_pop:{query: "popularity[* TO  *]“},
all_pop: "sum(popularity)“,
shop_cat: {type:terms, field:shop_cat, facet: {cat_pop: 

          "val":"Kontaktlinsen > Torische Linsen",
          "val":"Gesundheit & Schönheit > Gesundheitspflege",
[… more facets omitted]

The /query handler is an edismax configuration, though I don’t think this 
matters as long as the results include documents with popularity > 0 which is 
the case as seen in the facet output (and sum() works in general for all of the 
documents just not for the buckets as seen in „all_pop").

I will try to explicitly turn off the docValues and add stored=„true“ just to 
try out more. If someone has any other suggestions that I should try - I would 
be glad to here them. If it is not possible to retrieve the sum in this way I 
would have to fetch each sum separately which would be a huge performance 


> Am 15.12.2016 um 10:16 schrieb CA <c...@it-agenten.com>:
>> num_pop:{query:"popularity:[* TO *]"}

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