There's a ecommerce features checklist with what solr can do listed here

That should be good start and then there are some more other references
links listed below, I would try all of those features and check if there's
any other more specific feature that you are looking for and unable to find
how to incorporate that in solr, ask about it as new question.


On Wed, Dec 14, 2016 at 5:48 AM, Shawn Heisey <> wrote:

> On 12/13/2016 10:55 PM, vasanth vijayaraj wrote:
> > We are building an e-commerce mobile app. I have implemented Solr search
> and autocomplete.
> > But we like the Amazon search and are trying to implement something like
> that. Attached a screenshot
> > of what has been implemented so far
> >
> > The search/suggest should sort list of products based on popularity,
> document hits and more.
> > How do we achieve this? Please help us out here.
> Your attachment didn't make it to the list.  They rarely do.  We can't
> see whatever it is you were trying to include.
> Sorting on things like popularity and hits requires putting that
> information into the index so that each document has fields that encode
> this information, allowing you to use Solr's standard sorting
> functionality with those fields.  You also need a process to update that
> information when there's a new hit.  It's possible, but you have to
> write this into your indexing system.
> Solr doesn't include special functionality for this.  It would be hard
> to generalize, and it can all be done without special functionality.
> Thanks,
> Shawn

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