Before few months we upgraded our SOLR in production from 4.10.1 to 5.4.1.
And at once we noticed perfomance regressions. After searchings in internet
we found  SOLR-8096 issue <> 
. So we had to downgrade SOLR version to 4.10.1. 
We want to be in the latest Solr version (5 or 6), but  
  1. Facets perfomance is very important for us.
  2. We can't use new Facet API, because our client application uses
blacklight-4.5.0 (without option for upgrade).

What can we do in this situations? If the truth that new Facet API have to
return perfomance of SOLR-4.10.1? Maybe does some convertor from new api to
old api exist?

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