Hi all,
   I'm trying to check that an import using the dataImportHandler was clean
before I take a snapshot of the index to be pulled via snappuller to query
nodes.  One of the checks I do is verify that a certain minimum number of
documents are returned for a query.  I do this in a script that I'm calling
via the postOptimize hook.  However, after a full import the numFound
results from the query are not accurate until after the postOptimize code
completes and so my checks are failing.

Glancing at the code this looks non-trivial to "fix" as the hook call is
pretty deep in the call stack.
org.apache.solr.handler.dataimport.DataImporter.doFullImport execute
eventually calls

One option would be to spawn and background a new job to check the status
with an initial sleep to wait for the postOptimize that spawned it to
finish.  This is pretty ugly and could lead to some race conditions but will
probably work.

Any better recommendations on how to acheive this functionality?


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