Hi all,

I'm new to Solr and I need a bit of help.

I have a structure of documents indexed in Solr that are grouped together
by a property. I need to retrieve all groups where at least one entry in
the group matches a query.

I have two documents indexed and both share the *groupId *property that
defines the grouping field.

*        "groupId": "223",*
*        "modality": "Computed Tomography",*
*        "anatomy": "Subcutaneous fat",*
*        "pathology": "Metastasis",*

*        "groupId": "223",*
*        "modality": "Computed Tomography",*
*        "anatomy": "Subcutaneous fat",*
*        "pathology": "Normal",*

I need to retrieve both entries in the group when performing a query like:

Is this possible in solr?


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