
I am tried to follow http://joelsolr.blogspot.com/ to see if we can
classify positive & negative feedbacks using streaming expressions.  All
works but end result where probability_d result of classify expression
gives similar results for positive / negative feedback. See below

What I may be missing here.  Do i need to put more data in training set or
something else?

{ "result-set": { "docs": [ { "body_txt": [ "love the company" ],
"score_d": 2.1892474120319667, "id": "6", "probability_d":
0.977944433135261 }, { "body_txt": [ "bad experience " ], "score_d":
3.1689453250842914, "id": "5", "probability_d": 0.9888109278133054 }, {
"body_txt": [ "This company rewards its employees, but you should only work
here if you truly love sales. The stress of the job can get to you and they
definitely push you." ], "score_d": 4.621702323888672, "id": "4",
"probability_d": 0.9999999999898557 }, { "body_txt": [ "no chance for
advancement with that company every year I was there it got worse I don't
know if all branches of adp but Florence organization was turn over rate
would be higher if it was for temp workers" ], "score_d":
5.288898825826228, "id": "3", "probability_d": 0.9999999999999956 }, {
"body_txt": [ "It was a pleasure to work at the Milpitas campus. The team
that works there are professional and dedicated individuals. The level of
loyalty and dedication is impressive" ], "score_d": 2.5303947056922937,
"id": "2", "probability_d": 0.9999990430778418 },

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