Thanks. I think I'll take a look at that. I decided to just build a big
vagrant-managed desktop VM to let me run Ubuntu on my company machine, so I
expect that this pain point may be largely gone soon.

On Mon, Apr 10, 2017 at 12:31 PM, Vincenzo D'Amore <>

> Hi Mike
> disclaimer I'm the author of
> solrcloud-zookeeper-docker
> I had same problem when I tried to create a cluster SolrCloud with docker,
> just because the docker instances were referred by ip addresses I cannot
> access with SolrJ.
> I avoided this problem referring each docker instance via a hostname
> instead of ip address.
> Docker-compose is a great help to have a network where your docker
> instances can be resolved using their names.
> I'll suggest to take a look at my project, in particular at the
> docker-compose.yml used to start a SolrCloud cluster (3 Solr nodes with a
> zookeeper ensemble of 3):
> zookeeper-docker/master/
> solrcloud-3-nodes-zookeeper-ensemble/docker-compose.yml
> Ok, I know, it sounds too much create a SolrCloud into a single VM, I did
> it just to understand how Solr works... :)
> Once you've build your SolrCloud Docker network, you can map the name of
> your docker instances externally, for example in your private network or in
> your hosts file.
> In other words, given a Docker Solr instance named solr-1, in the docker
> network the instance named solr-1 has a docker ip address that cannot be
> used outside the VM.
> So when you use SolrJ client on your computer you must have into /etc/hosts
> an entry solr-1 that points to the ip address your VM (the public network
> interface where the docker instance is mapped).
> Hope you understand... :)
> Cheers,
> Vincenzo
> On Sun, Apr 9, 2017 at 2:42 AM, Mike Thomsen <>
> wrote:
> > I'm running two nodes of SolrCloud in Docker on Windows using Docker
> > Toolbox.  The problem I am having is that Docker Toolbox runs inside of a
> > VM and so it has an internal network inside the VM that is not accessible
> > to the Docker Toolbox VM's host OS. If I go to the VM's IP which is
> >, I can load the admin UI and do basic operations that are
> > written to go against that IP and port (like querying, schema editor,
> > manually adding documents, etc.)
> >
> > However, when I try to run code that uses SolrJ to add documents, it
> fails
> > because the ZK configuration has the IPs for the internal Docker network
> > which is 172.X.Y..Z. If I log into the toolbox VM and run the Java code
> > from there, it works just fine. From the host OS, doesn't.
> >
> > Anyone have any ideas on how to get around this? If I rewrite the
> indexing
> > code to do a manual JSON POST to the update handler on one of the nodes,
> it
> > does work just fine, but that leaves me not using SolrJ.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Mike
> >
> --
> Vincenzo D'Amore
> email:
> skype:
> mobile: +39 349 8513251 <349%20851%203251>

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