On 4/19/2017 1:27 AM, Vincenzo D'Amore wrote:
> I'm investigating around latest version of Solr (6.4.1) if it is possible
> reload the log4j.properties configuration file without Solr restart.
> As far as I understood it isn't possible, or at least, it's impossible
> without develop an ad hoc component.
> Do you know if there are workarounds or best practices about?

This would depend on exactly what you changed.  If the change involves
logging levels at the top level or for a specific class, you can simply
make the same change in the logging tab of the admin UI, and it will
take effect immediately.  If you changed something else, you will need
to restart Solr.

The log4j library itself may have the ability to make changes without a
restart, but since you're running an application that somebody else
wrote, you're stuck with what that application can do.  Logging levels
are the only thing that Solr currently has code to change on the fly.


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