I use the JMeter plugins. They’ve been reorganized recently, so they aren’t 
where I originally downloaded them.

Try this:


Here is the command. It processes the previous JTL output file and puts the 
result in test.csv.

java -Xmx2g -jar CMDRunner.jar --tool Reporter --generate-csv 
${prev_dir}/${test} \
    --input-jtl ${prev_dir}/${out} --plugin-type ResponseTimesPercentiles \
    >> $logfile 2>&1

The script prints a summary of the run. I need to fix that to also print out 
the header for the columns.

pct25=`grep "^25.0," ${test} | cut -d , -f 2-`
median=`grep "^50.0," ${test} | cut -d , -f 2-`
pct75=`grep "^75.0," ${test} | cut -d , -f 2-`
pct90=`grep "^90.0," ${test} | cut -d , -f 2-`
pct95=`grep "^95.0," ${test} | cut -d , -f 2-`

echo `date` ": 25th percentiles are $pct25"
echo `date` ": medians are $median"
echo `date` ": 75th percentiles are $pct75"
echo `date` ": 90th percentiles are $pct90"
echo `date` ": 95th percentiles are $pct95"
echo `date` ": full results are in ${test}"

Walter Underwood
http://observer.wunderwood.org/  (my blog)

> On Apr 28, 2017, at 12:00 PM, Davis, Daniel (NIH/NLM) [C] 
> <daniel.da...@nih.gov> wrote:
> Walter, 
> If you can share a pointer to that JMeter add-on, I'd love it.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Walter Underwood [mailto:wun...@wunderwood.org] 
> Sent: Friday, April 28, 2017 2:53 PM
> To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
> Subject: Re: Solr Query Performance benchmarking
> I use production logs to get a mix of common and long-tail queries. It is 
> very hard to get a realistic distribution with synthetic queries.
> A benchmark run goes like this, with a big shell script driving it.
> 1. Reload the collection to clear caches.
> 2. Split the log into a cache warming set (usually the first 2000 queries) 
> and the rest.
> 3. Run the warming set with four threads and no delay. This gets it done but 
> usually does not overload the server.
> 4. Run the test set with hundreds of threads, each set for a particular rate. 
> The overall config is usually between 2000 and 10,000 requests per minute.
> 5. Tests run for 1-2 hours.
> 6. Grep the results for non-200 responses, filter them out, and report.
> 7. Post process the results to make a CSV file of the percentile response 
> times, one column for each request handler.
> The benchmark driver is a headless JMeter, run with two different config 
> files (warming and test). The post processing is a JMeter add-on.
> If the CPU gets over about 60% or the run queue gets to about the number of 
> processors, the hosts are near congestion. The response time will spike if it 
> is pushed harder than that.
> Prod logs are usually from a few hours of peak traffic during the daytime. 
> This reduces the amount of bot traffic in the logs. I filter out load 
> balancer health checks, Zabbix checks, and so on. I like to get a log of a 
> million queries. That might require grabbing pen traffic logs from several 
> days.
> With the master/slave cluster, I use logs from a single slave. Those will 
> have a lower cache hit rate because the requests are randomly spread out. For 
> our Solr Cloud cluster, I’ve created a prod-size cluster in test. Expensive!
> There a script in the JMeter config to make /handler and /select?qt=/handler 
> get reported as the same thing. Thank you SolrJ.
> Our SLAs are for 95th percentile.
> wunder
> Walter Underwood
> wun...@wunderwood.org
> http://observer.wunderwood.org/  (my blog)
>> On Apr 28, 2017, at 11:39 AM, Erick Erickson <erickerick...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Well, the best way to get no cache hits is to set the cache sizes to 
>> zero ;). That provides worst-case scenarios and tells you exactly how 
>> much you're relying on caches. I'm not talking the lower-level Lucene 
>> caches here.
>> One thing I've done is use the TermsComponent to generate a list of 
>> terms actually in my corpus, and save them away "somewhere" to 
>> substitute into my queries. The problem with that is when you have 
>> anything except very simple queries involving AND, you generate 
>> unrealistic queries when you substitute in random values; you can be 
>> asking for totally unrelated terms and especially on short fields that 
>> leads to lots of 0-hit queries which are also unrealistic.
>> So you get into a long cycle of generating a bunch of queries and 
>> removing all queries with less than N hits when you run them. Then 
>> generating more. Then... And each time you pick N, it introduces 
>> another layer of not-real-world possibly.
>> Sometimes it's the best you can do, but if you can cull real-world 
>> applications it's _much_ better. Once you have a bunch (I like 10,000) 
>> you can be pretty confident. I not only like to run them randomly, but 
>> I also like to sub-divide them into N buckets and then run each bucket 
>> in order on the theory that that mimics what users actually did, they 
>> don't usually just do stuff at random. Any differences between the 
>> random and non-random runs can give interesting information.
>> Best,
>> Erick
>> On Fri, Apr 28, 2017 at 9:38 AM, Rick Leir <rl...@leirtech.com> wrote:
>>> (aside: Using Gatling or Jmeter?)
>>> Question: How can you easily randomize something in the query so you get no 
>>> cache hits? I think there are several levels of caching.
>>> --
>>> Sorry for being brief. Alternate email is rickleir at yahoo dot com

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