I’d like to think I helped a little with the metrics upgrade that got released 
in 6.4, so I was already watching that and I’m aware of the resulting 
performance issue.
This was 5.4 though, patched with https://github.com/whitepages/SOLR-4449 - an 
index we’ve been running for some time now.

Mganeshs’s comment that he doesn’t see a difference on EC2 with Solr 6.2 lends 
some additional strength to the thought that something changed between Lucene 
5.4 and 6.2 (which is used in ES 5), but of course it’s all still pretty 

On 4/28/17, 11:44 AM, "Erick Erickson" <erickerick...@gmail.com> wrote:

    Well, 6.4.0 had a pretty severe performance issue so if you were using
    that release you might see this, 6.4.2 is the most recent 6.4 release.
    But I have no clue how changing linux settings would alter that and I
    sure can't square that issue with you having such different
    performance between local and EC2....
    But thanks for telling us about this! It's totally baffling
    On Fri, Apr 28, 2017 at 9:09 AM, Jeff Wartes <jwar...@whitepages.com> wrote:
    > tldr: Recently, I tried moving an existing solrcloud configuration from a 
local datacenter to EC2. Performance was roughly 1/10th what I’d expected, 
until I applied a bunch of linux tweaks.
    > This should’ve been a straight port: one datacenter server -> one EC2 
node. Solr 5.4, Solrcloud, Ubuntu xenial. Nodes were sized in both cases such 
that the entire index could be cached in memory, and the JVM settings were 
identical in both places. I applied what should’ve been a comfortable load to 
the EC2 cluster, and everything exploded. I had to back the rate down to 
something close to 10% of what I had been getting in the datacenter before 
latency improved.
    > Looking around, I was interested to note that under load, user-time CPU 
usage was being shadowed by an almost equal amount of system CPU time. This was 
not IOWait, but system time. Strace showed a bunch of time being spent in futex 
and restart_syscall, but I couldn’t see where to go from there.
    > Interestingly, a coworker playing with a ElasticSearch (ES 5.x, so a much 
more recent release) alternate implementation of the same index was not seeing 
this high-system-time behavior on EC2, and was getting throughput consistent 
with our general expectations.
    > Eventually, we came across this: 
    > In direct opposition to the author’s intent, (something about taking 
expired medication) we applied these settings blindly to see what happened. The 
difference was breathtaking. The system time usage disappeared, and I could 
apply load at and even a little above my expected rates, well within my latency 
    > There are a number of settings involved, and we haven’t isolated for sure 
which ones made the biggest difference, but my guess at the moment is that it’s 
the change of clocksource. I think this would be consistent with the observed 
system time. Note however that using the “tsc” clocksource on EC2 is generally 
discouraged, because it’s possible to get backwards clock drift.
    > I’m writing this for a few reasons:
    > 1.       The performance difference was so crazy I really feel like this 
should really be broader knowledge.
    > 2.       If anyone is aware of anything that changed in Lucene between 
5.4 and 6.x that could explain why Elasticsearch wasn’t suffering from this? If 
it’s the clocksource that’s the issue, there’s an implication that Solr was 
using tons more system calls like gettimeofday that the EC2 (xen) hypervisor 
doesn’t allow in userspace.
    > 3.       Has anyone run Solr with the “tsc” clocksource, and is aware of 
any concrete issues?

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