On 5/17/2017 2:40 AM, Giedrius wrote:
> I've been using cursorMark for quite a while, but I noticed that
> sometimes the value is huge (more than 8K). It results in Request-URI
> Too Long response. Is there a way to send cursorMark in POST request's
> Body? If it is, could you please provide an example? If post is not
> possilbe, is there any other way to fix the issue?

Yes, you can send any/all parameters as a POST request body.

Exactly how to do this will depend on what method/language you're using
to make the requests now.  Without knowing that, I have no idea how you
would adjust to use POST.

You can also increase the header size that the servlet container running
Solr will accept, but using POST is a better option.


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