Hi all,

I would like to know what is the reliable way to fetch dataDir (and 
instanceDir) of a core that has an init failure.

Trials made:
I used the admin api to get status:
But I observed that, it does not always give me the information.

Steps followed:
Step 1: On a healthy core, remove some index file and restart Solr
Step 2: Invoke status api. Response was:
 Error opening new searcher"},
Step 3: Replace the removed file and restart Solr. Everything works as it is.
Step 4: Unload the core (without deleting indexDir or dataDir). api: 
Step 5: Create the core (with same indexDir and dataDir). api: 
Step 6: Repeat Step 1. I.e., remove some index file and restart Solr
Step 7: Repeat Step 2. I.e, Invoke status api. Response was:
 Error opening new searcher"},

Like you see, the response of status api from Step 7 is different from Step 2. 
Is there a reliable way to get dataDir of a core in the presence of 

Shashank Pedamallu

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