That page was last edited in 2014, things have moved on a little since then!
Solr doesn't produce a WAR file by default anymore, as running in a generic
servlet container isn't a supported configuration.  What is produced from
ant dist is effectively the exploded form of the WAR. You can still create
the war using ant dist-war, but that wiki page needs an overhaul!

If you want to play with Solr first, I think the better alternative is to
download the binary distribution, that has a number of examples that just
work out of the box.  Get used to what is in that distribution and explore
how that is laid out before you start to play with the code (just my
tuppence worth).

On 13 July 2017 at 21:16, Steve Pruitt <> wrote:

> I have been following the instructions on the Solr Wiki for compiling
> Solr.  I started with the 6.6 source.  The only thing I did different was
> download the src directly.  I did not use Subversion.
> I made through step 7 - Compile application with no problems.  However,
> the dist folder contains newly build snapshot jars, but no war file.
> The last item in step 7 is copy the war file to the solr\example\webapps
> folder.  I have no solr\webapps folder either.
> A webapp folder was created under \solr, but it contains only what looks
> like client parts.  The WEB-INF folder only has the web.xml file.
> I noticed step 8 describes navigating to the solr\example directory and
> executing the start.jar.  But, there is no start.jar under example.  It's
> under solr\server.
> Not sure what to do next.  I feel like I have missed a step, or something.
> Thanks.
> -Steve

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