The in-place update section you referenced was added in Solr 6.5. On
p. 224 of the PDF for 5.5, note it says there are only two available
approaches and the section on in-place updates you see online isn't
mentioned. I looked into the history of the online page and the
section on in-place updates was added for Solr 6.5, when SOLR-5944 was

So, unfortunately, unless someone else has a better option for
pre-6.5, I believe it was not possible in 5.5.2.


On Wed, Jul 26, 2017 at 2:30 AM, elisabeth benoit
<> wrote:
> Are in place updates available in solr 5.5.2, I find atomic updates in the
> doc
> which redirects me to the page
> .
> On that page, for in-place updates, it says
> the _*version*_ field is also a non-indexed, non-stored single valued
> docValues field
> when I try this with solr 5.5.2 I get an error message
> org.apache.solr.common.SolrException:org.apache.solr.common.SolrException:
> Unable to use updateLog: _version_ field must exist in schema, using
> indexed=\"true\" or docValues=\"true\", stored=\"true\" and
> multiValued=\"false\" (_version_ is not stored
> What I'm looking for is a way to update one field of a doc without erasing
> the non stored fields. Is this possible in solr 5.5.2?
> best regards,
> Elisabeth

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