On 8/12/2017 11:48 AM, Nawab Zada Asad Iqbal wrote:
> I am executing a query performance test against my solr 6.6 setup and I
> noticed following exception every now and then. What do I need to do?
> Aug 11, 2017 08:40:07 AM INFO  (qtp761960786-250) [   x:filesearch]
> o.a.s.s.HttpSolrCall Unable to write response, client closed connection or
> we are shutting down
> org.eclipse.jetty.io.EofException


> Caused by: java.io.IOException: Broken pipe


> Apart from that, I also noticed that the query response time is longer than
> I expected, while the memory utilization stays <= 35%. I thought that
> somewhere I have set maxThreads (Jetty) to a very low number, however I am
> falling back on default which is 10000 (so that shouldn't be a problem).

The EofException and "broken pipe" messages are typical when the client
closes the TCP connection before Solr finishes processing the request
and sends a response.  When Solr finally finishes working and has a
response, the web container where Solr is running tries to send the
response back, but finds that the connection is gone, and logs the kind
of exception you are seeing.

Very likely what has happened is that the program sending the queries
has a very low socket timeout (or total request timeout) configured on
the http connection, and that the requests are taking longer than that
timeout to execute, so the query software closes the connection.

Later in the thread you mentioned maxConnections.  Some software might
decide to kill existing connections when that limit is exceeded, so more
connections can be opened.  That's something you'd need to discuss with
whoever wrote the software.

Also later in the thread you mentioned "page faults" ... without a lot
of specific detail, we're not going to have any idea what you mean by
that.  I can tell you that if you're looking at operating system memory
counters, page faults are a completely normal part of OS operation.  By
itself, that number won't mean anything.

Long query times can be caused by many things.  One of the most common
is not having enough memory left over for the operating system to
effectively cache your index ... but this is not the only thing that can
cause problems.


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