
I have setup a solrcloud with 1 shard and 3 replicas on solr 6.6.
Every index operation makes an explicit commit so that the documents are
available immediately. The indexing happens every 5 minutes for few 100's
of documents.

My problem is that I see that the replica nodes are frequently going down
but the leader is always up. The logs show that it is receiving replication
There is no issue with heap memory or CPU load.

My questions are:
1.  How do I find the reason for my nodes going down?
2. Do the replicas go down while syncing from leader?
3. I pass indexing requests to any node , does it forward the request to
the node shown as leader in SOLR admin console? If so, why do I see tlog
data in all the other nodes.
4. I also run optimize call every hour to merge the index on only one node,
is this one of the reason for node going down?

Can somebody please help me to figure this out?


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