Hi Daniel,

Great background information about your setup! I've got just a few more

- Can you describe the process that queries the DB and sends records to
- Is it a SolrJ-based application?
- If it is, which client package are you using?
- How many documents do you send at once?
- Are you sending your indexing or query traffic through a load balancer?

If you're sending documents to each replica as fast as they can take them,
you might be seeing a bottleneck at the shard leaders. The SolrJ
CloudSolrClient finds out from Zookeeper which nodes are the shard leaders
and sends docs directly to them.


On Tue, Aug 22, 2017 at 2:16 PM, Daniel Ortega <danielortegauf...@gmail.com>

> *Main Problems*
> We are involved in a migration from Solr Master/Slave infrastructure to
> SolrCloud infrastructure.
> The main problems that we have now are:
>    - Excessive resources consumption: Currently we have 5 instances with 80
>    processors/768 GB RAM each instance using SSD Hard Disk Drives that
> doesn't
>    support the load that we have in the other architecture. In our
>    Master-Slave architecture we have only 7 Virtual Machines with lower
> specs
>    (4 processors and 16 GB each instance using SSD Hard Disk Drives too).
> So,
>    at the moment our SolrCloud infrastructure is wasting several dozen
> times
>    more resources than our Solr Master/Slave infrastructure.
>    - Despite spending more resources we have worst query times (compared to
>    Solr in master/slave architecture)
> *Search infrastructure (SolrCloud infrastructure)*
> As we cannot use DIH Handler (which is what we use in Solr Master/Slave),
> we
> have developed an application which reads every transaction from Oracle,
> builds a document collection searching in the database and sends the result
> to the */update* handler every 200 milliseconds using SolrJ client. This
> application tries to delete the possible duplicates in each update window,
> but we are using solr’s de-duplication techniques
> <https://emea01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=
> https%3A%2F%2Fcwiki.apache.org%2Fconfluence%2Fdisplay%
> 2Fsolr%2FDe-Duplication&data=02%7C01%7Cdortega%40idealista.com%
> 7Cb169ea024abc4954927208d4bc6868eb%7Cd78b7929c2a34897ae9a7d8f8dc1
> a1cf%7C0%7C0%7C636340604697721266&sdata=WEhzoHC1Bf77K706%
> 2Fj2wIWOw5gzfOgsP1IPQESvMsqQ%3D&reserved=0>
>  too.
> We are indexing ~100 documents per second (with peaks of ~1000 documents
> per second).
> Every search query is centralized in other application which exposes a DSL
> behind a REST API and uses SolrJ client too to perform queries. We have
> peaks of 2000 QPS.
> *Cluster structure **(SolrCloud infrastructure)*
> At the moment, the cluster has 30 SolrCloud instances with the same specs
> (Same physical hosts, same JVM Settings, etc.).
> *Main collection*
> In our use case we are using this collection as a NoSQL database basically.
> Our document is composed of about 300 fields that represents an advert, and
> is a denormalization of its relational representation in Oracle.
> We are using all our nodes to store the  collection in 3 shards. So, each
> shard has 10 replicas.
> At the moment, we are only indexing a subset of the adverts stored in
> Oracle, but our goal is to store all the ads that we have in the DB (a few
> tens of millions of documents). We have NRT requirements, so we need to
> index every document as soon as posible once it’s changed in Oracle.
> We have defined the properties of each field (if it’s stored/indexed or
> not, if should be defined as DocValue, etc…) considering the use of that
> field.
> *Index size **(SolrCloud infrastructure)*
> The index size is currently above 6 GB, storing 1.300.000 documents in each
> shard. So, we are storing 3.900.000 documents and the total index size is
> 18 GB.
> *Indexation **(SolrCloud infrastructure)*
> The commits *aren’t* triggered by the application described before. The
> hardcommit/softcommit interval are configured in Solr:
>    - *HardCommit:* every 15 minutes (with opensearcher = false)
>    - *SoftCommit:* every 5 seconds
> *Apache Solr Version*
> We are currently using the last version of Solr (6.6.0) under an Oracle VM
> (Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_131-b11) Oracle (64 bits)) in
> both deployments.
> The question is... What is wrong here?!?!?!

Scott Stults | Founder & Solutions Architect | OpenSource Connections, LLC
| 434.409.2780

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