First of all, Solr is a _search_ engine, it wasn't built to be an
RDBMS. Whenever I see this question (paraphrasing) "I've indexed my
tables and want to use Solr just like a DB" I cringe.

The join performance goes up with the number of unique values for the
join field. High-cardinality fields are the poorer performing type,
which is what "initial join implementation is O(nterms)" is

Have you considered either denormalizing the data or using block joins?


On Mon, Sep 25, 2017 at 6:59 PM, Jaimin Patel <> wrote:
> I am facing a performance problem and could narrow it down to a join query
> that we are using. The join is on a unique field.
> We have a person profile stored in RDB in a relational way. Like person
> name table , address table etc. SOLR indexes are build using this RDB
> data,Each children is stored as separate document with parent's unique id.
> At query time , unique id of parent is joined with same in child
> documents({!join
> to=par_id from=par_id }) to allow search with AND condition for search
> terms involving children data
> I am reading similar issues and it says "initial join implementation is
> O(nterms)".. What does this mean ? I could not find any reference
> explaining meaning of 0 num_terms_in_field.
>  Regards,
> Jai

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