I have an application which currently uses a boolean query. The query could
have a large number of boolean terms. I know that the TermsQuery doesn't
have the same limitations as the boolean query. However I need to maintain
the order of the original terms.

The query terms from the boolean query are actually values returned by a
chemical structure search, which are returned in order of their relevancy
in the structure search. I maintain the order by giving them a boost which
is a function of the relevancy from the structure search.

structure_id:(12345^800 OR 12356^750 OR abcde^600 ...

This approach gives me the results in the order I need them in. I'd love to
use the TermsQuery instead as it doesn't have the same limitations.

Can I boost the Terms in the terms query? Is there a way to order the
results? e.g. would the results be returned in the same order I specified
the terms?



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