Hi all, I consider myself relatively new to server admin (it's something I
have to do on the side for the project I'm on and I inherited the current
solr setup from my predecessor), so please be kind.

The issue:

We have just one solr core, which resides in the webapp foIder (in solr
5.3.1 this is at /opt/solr-5.3.1/server/webapps/[corename]/  -- the data
folder is in the same place at /data). The core is used to index and search
content from just one webapp. The core "disappears" every time the server
restarts, making the webapp search break every time. By disappears I mean
that the folder and content is still in the webapps folder on the server,
but it needs to be remapped/re-linked via the solr admin console. The core
was and is added via the solr admin console, not at command line. Whenever
I add it back I get this message in solr or in the logs:

"Could not create a new core in
/opt/solr-5.3.1/server/webapps/[corename]/as another core is already
defined there"

Then I refresh the page and it's there again and everything works fine.

So my predecessor knew about this problem and never fixed it; he told me to
just re-add the core via admin console every time the server starts (not a
good solution).

I've done a lot of research on getting a core to persist and it probably
has to do with permissions, but where? All the folders in webapps are owned
by the solr user. If the issue is with the solr command at startup using
root, how can I change this?

I also added a new core at command line, which works in that it persists,
but the core is by default in var/solr folder. How can I create the core in
the webapps folder instead? Also, must I first delete everything in that
folder, including all the conf and data files, before creating the new
core? Will I need to re-build everything from scratch if I do this or can I
use the same conf files as before (I presume I can re-add them)?

Also, there's nothing wrong with the content or permissions of the core
properties files, it is owned by the solr user and contains one line with
the correct core name.

Thanks for your help,


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