So, from looking at those errors + a bit of Googling, it's complaining that
there are duplicate values in the Args list:

- Repeater: arg in commandLineArgs, Duplicate key:
value: -XX:+UseGCLogFileRotation
- Repeater: arg in commandLineArgs, Duplicate key: string:-Xss256k,
Duplicate value: -Xss256k

This tells us a bit about what is happening (the UI finds duplicates in the
arguments), but not why you are the only one who sees this.

>From what I understand, all the UI does is make a call to
http://localhost:8983/solr/admin/info/system and parse the JSON response in
various ways. The Args section comes from the "jvm.jmx.commandLineArgs"
section of that. Somewhere maybe that data is being requested twice and
making a duplicate set of data for the UI to parse?

What do you see when you make a direct call to those stats (
http://localhost:8983/solr/admin/info/system) in your browser? Are they
duplicated? Any errors in the logs?

Unfortunately, these are only clues - maybe they will help someone take
this a step further. If you can, you may also try another browser to see if
it occurs there also.

On Wed, Nov 15, 2017 at 9:40 AM, Webster Homer <>

> I found that my boss's solr admin console did display the Args the only
> install I have that does...
> I do see errors in both Consoles. I see more errors on the ones that don't
> display Args
> Here are the errors that only show up when Args doesn't:
> Error: [ngRepeat:dupes] Duplicates in a repeater are not allowed. Use
> 'track by' expression to specify unique keys. Repeater: arg in
> commandLineArgs, Duplicate key: string:-XX:+UseGCLogFileRotation,
> Duplicate
> value: -XX:+UseGCLogFileRotation
> 20in%20commandLineArgs&p1=string%3A-XX%3A%2BUseGCLogFileRotation&p2=-XX%
> 3A%2BUseGCLogFileRotation
>     at angular.js:86
>     at ngRepeatAction (angular.js:24506)
>     at Object.$watchCollectionAction [as fn] (angular.js:14115)
>     at Scope.$digest (angular.js:14248)
>     at Scope.$apply (angular.js:14511)
>     at done (angular.js:9669)
>     at completeRequest (angular.js:9859)
>     at XMLHttpRequest.requestLoaded (angular.js:9800)
> (anonymous) @ angular.js:11617
> This is all of the errors I see when loading the page. Most of these show
> up when loading the page
> angular.js:11617 TypeError: Cannot read property 'default_text' of
> undefined
>     at initOrUpdate (angular-chosen.js:80)
>     at NgModelController.ngModel.$render (angular-chosen.js:95)
>     at Object.ngModelWatch (angular.js:20998)
>     at Scope.$digest (angular.js:14240)
>     at Scope.$apply (angular.js:14511)
>     at bootstrapApply (angular.js:1472)
>     at Object.invoke (angular.js:4205)
>     at doBootstrap (angular.js:1470)
>     at bootstrap (angular.js:1490)
>     at angularInit (angular.js:1384)
> (anonymous) @ angular.js:11617
> (anonymous) @ angular.js:8567
> $digest @ angular.js:14266
> $apply @ angular.js:14511
> bootstrapApply @ angular.js:1472
> invoke @ angular.js:4205
> doBootstrap @ angular.js:1470
> bootstrap @ angular.js:1490
> angularInit @ angular.js:1384
> (anonymous) @ angular.js:26088
> j @ jquery-2.1.3.min.js:27
> fireWith @ jquery-2.1.3.min.js:27
> ready @ jquery-2.1.3.min.js:27
> I @ jquery-2.1.3.min.js:27
> 2angular.js:11617 TypeError: Cannot read property 'results_none_found' of
> undefined
>     at disableWithMessage (angular-chosen.js:89)
>     at angular-chosen.js:123
>     at angular.js:16228
>     at completeOutstandingRequest (angular.js:4925)
>     at angular.js:5305
> (anonymous) @ angular.js:11617
> (anonymous) @ angular.js:8567
> (anonymous) @ angular.js:16231
> completeOutstandingRequest @ angular.js:4925
> (anonymous) @ angular.js:5305
> setTimeout (async)
> Browser.self.defer @ angular.js:5303
> timeout @ angular.js:16226
> (anonymous) @ angular-chosen.js:114
> $watchCollectionAction @ angular.js:14113
> $digest @ angular.js:14248
> $apply @ angular.js:14511
> bootstrapApply @ angular.js:1472
> invoke @ angular.js:4205
> doBootstrap @ angular.js:1470
> bootstrap @ angular.js:1490
> angularInit @ angular.js:1384
> (anonymous) @ angular.js:26088
> j @ jquery-2.1.3.min.js:27
> fireWith @ jquery-2.1.3.min.js:27
> ready @ jquery-2.1.3.min.js:27
> I @ jquery-2.1.3.min.js:27
> ngtimeago.js:92 about 17 hoursago
> angular.js:11617 Error: [ngRepeat:dupes] Duplicates in a repeater are not
> allowed. Use 'track by' expression to specify unique keys. Repeater: arg in
> commandLineArgs, Duplicate key: string:-Xss256k, Duplicate value: -Xss256k
> 20in%20commandLineArgs&p1=string%3A-Xss256k&p2=-Xss256k
>     at angular.js:86
>     at ngRepeatAction (angular.js:24506)
>     at Object.$watchCollectionAction [as fn] (angular.js:14115)
>     at Scope.$digest (angular.js:14248)
>     at Scope.$apply (angular.js:14511)
>     at done (angular.js:9669)
>     at completeRequest (angular.js:9859)
>     at XMLHttpRequest.requestLoaded (angular.js:9800)
> (anonymous) @ angular.js:11617
> (anonymous) @ angular.js:8567
> $digest @ angular.js:14266
> $apply @ angular.js:14511
> done @ angular.js:9669
> completeRequest @ angular.js:9859
> requestLoaded @ angular.js:9800
> XMLHttpRequest.send (async)
> (anonymous) @ angular.js:9837
> sendReq @ angular.js:9638
> serverRequest @ angular.js:9354
> processQueue @ angular.js:13193
> (anonymous) @ angular.js:13209
> $eval @ angular.js:14406
> $digest @ angular.js:14222
> $apply @ angular.js:14511
> done @ angular.js:9669
> completeRequest @ angular.js:9859
> requestLoaded @ angular.js:9800
> XMLHttpRequest.send (async)
> (anonymous) @ angular.js:9837
> sendReq @ angular.js:9638
> serverRequest @ angular.js:9354
> processQueue @ angular.js:13193
> (anonymous) @ angular.js:13209
> $eval @ angular.js:14406
> $digest @ angular.js:14222
> $apply @ angular.js:14511
> bootstrapApply @ angular.js:1472
> invoke @ angular.js:4205
> doBootstrap @ angular.js:1470
> bootstrap @ angular.js:1490
> angularInit @ angular.js:1384
> (anonymous) @ angular.js:26088
> j @ jquery-2.1.3.min.js:27
> fireWith @ jquery-2.1.3.min.js:27
> ready @ jquery-2.1.3.min.js:27
> I @ jquery-2.1.3.min.js:27
> On Tue, Nov 14, 2017 at 7:12 PM, Rick Leir <> wrote:
> > Homer
> > In chrome, right-click and choose 'inspect' at the bottom. Now go to the
> > network tab then reload the page. Are you seeing errors? Tell!
> > Thanks
> > Rick
> >
> > On November 14, 2017 3:14:46 PM EST, Shawn Heisey <>
> > wrote:
> > >On 11/14/2017 11:43 AM, Webster Homer wrote:
> > >> I am using chrome Version 62.0.3202.94 (Official Build) (64-bit) I
> > >> only see a little icon and the word "Args" with nothing displayed. I
> > >> just checked with Firefox (version 56.0.2) and I see the same thing.
> > >
> > >That's the same version of Chrome that I used, and I do see the args.
> > >
> > >Later in the thread you mentioned that Solr is installed as a service.
> > >I installed Solr 7.1.0 as a service on a Linux machine, and that
> > >version
> > >is also working.
> > >
> > >
> > service-admin-ui-java-args.png?dl=0
> > >
> > >Can you create a screenshot similar to the one I have shared via
> > >dropbox, so we can see everything you do?  You'll likely need to use a
> > >file sharing site -- attachments frequently are stripped by the mailing
> > >list software.
> > >
> > >Thanks,
> > >Shawn
> >
> > --
> > Sorry for being brief. Alternate email is rickleir at yahoo dot com
> --
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