Dear Shawn and Chris,
Thanks very much for your replies and helps.
And so sorry for my mistakes of first-time use of Mailing Lists.

On 11/9/2017 5:13 PM, Shawn wrote:
> Where did this information originate?

My SHA data come from the paper On the Naturalness of Buggy Code(Baishakhi Ray, 
et al. ICSE ??16), and download from

On 11/9/2017 6:10 PM, Chris wrote:
> Also -- What exactly are you trying to do? what is your objective?

I want to analysis buggy codes?? statistical properties through some
learning models on Ray??s experimental dataset. Since its large size,
Ray did not make the entire data online. What I can acquire is a batch
of commits?? SHA data and some other info. So, I need to pick out
the old commits which are correlated to these SHAs.

On 17/9/2017 1:47 PM, Shawn wrote:
> The commit data you're using is nearly useless, because the repository
> where it originated has been gone for nearly two years. If you can find
> out how it was generated, you can build a new version from the current
> repository -- either on github or from Apache's official servers.

Thanks for all of your suggestions and helps, I am going to try other ways.
Thanks so much.

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