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On Sun, Oct 29, 2017 at 2:34 AM, Ankit Shah <ashah301...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am new to the solr community, and have this weird problem with the search
> results
> here is whats going on. i have a logfile that is indexed into solr with the
> following config
> <field name="log" type="text_general" indexed="true" termOffsets="true"
> stored="true" termPositions="true" termVectors="true" multiValued="false"
> required="true"/>
> <fieldType name="text_general" class="solr.TextField" positionIncrementGap=
> "100" multiValued="true"> <analyzer type="index"> <tokenizer class=
> "solr.StandardTokenizerFactory"/> <filter class="solr.StopFilterFactory"
> words="stopwords.txt" ignoreCase="true"/> <filter class=
> "solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/> </analyzer> <analyzer type="query"> <
> tokenizer class="solr.StandardTokenizerFactory"/> <filter class=
> "solr.StopFilterFactory" words="stopwords.txt" ignoreCase="true"/> <filter
> class="solr.SynonymFilterFactory" expand="true" ignoreCase="true"
> synonyms=
> "synonyms.txt"/> <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/> </analyzer>
> </fieldType>
> here is a sample for demonstration purpose, assume the following
> logfile(text) is indexed to solr in the field "log"
> AppleCare+ extends the basic warranty that covers non-accidental iPhone
> mishaps -- such as battery issues or a faulty headphone jack -- from one
> year to two. The iPhone X was unveiled to much fanfare last month. It
> boasts a radical update to the iPhone models of years past, with an
> all-glass display and an option to unlock with facial recognition. It also
> has an all-glass back, so owners run the risk of cracking either side of
> the phone. However, Apple has claimed the glass on the iPhone 8 and iPhone
> X is much stronger than earlier models, so it could be harder to break.
> Pre-orders for the phone began online Friday, and units were selling out
> quickly. The U.S. Apple Store site said it would take
> now the query that i run is as follows:
> q=("warranty that covers non-accidental") OR ("risking it all" AND "harder
> to break")
> hl.q=("warranty that covers non-accidental") OR ("risking it all" AND
> "harder
> to break")
> hl=true hl.fl=log hl.usePhraseHighlighter=true hl.fragsize=2000
> hl.maxAnalyzedChars=2097152
> indent=on
> or as a URL
> http://localhost:8983/solr/mycore/select?hl.usePhraseHighlighter=true&hl.
> fl=log&hl=true&hl.fragsize=2000&indent=on&wt=json
> &hl.q=(%22warranty%20that%20covers%20non-accidental%22)%20OR%20(%22risking
> %20it%20all%22%20AND%20%22harder%20to%20break%22)&q=(%22warranty%20that%20
> covers%20non-accidental%22)%20OR%20(%22risking%20it%20all
> %22%20AND%20%22harder%20to%20break%22)
> the response is as follows:
> {
>   "responseHeader":{
>     "status":0,
>     "QTime":24,
>     "params":{
>       "q":"(\"warranty that covers non-accidental\") OR (\"risking it all\"
> AND \"harder to break\")",
>       "hl":"true",
>       "indent":"on",
>       "hl.q":"(\"warranty that covers non-accidental\") OR (\"risking it
> all\" AND \"harder to break\")",
>       "hl.usePhraseHighlighter":"true",
>       "hl.fragsize":"2000",
>       "hl.fl":"log",
>       "wt":"json"}},
>   "response":{"numFound":1,"start":0,"docs":[
>       {
>         "logid":5487941,
>         "log":"AppleCare+ extends the basic warranty that covers
> non-accidental iPhone mishaps -- such as battery issues or a faulty
> headphone jack -- from one year to two.\nThe iPhone X was unveiled to much
> fanfare last month. It boasts a radical update to the iPhone models of
> years past, with an all-glass display and an option to unlock with facial
> recognition.\nIt also has an all-glass back, so owners run the risk of
> cracking either side of the phone.\nHowever, Apple has claimed the glass on
> the iPhone 8 and iPhone X is much stronger than earlier models, so it could
> be harder to break.\nPre-orders for the phone began online Friday, and
> units were selling out quickly. The U.S. Apple Store site said it would
> take \n",
>         "_version_":1582439847966015488}]
>   },
>   "highlighting":{
>     "5487941":{
>       "log":["AppleCare+ extends the basic *<em>warranty</em> <em>that</em>
> <em>covers</em> <em>non-accidental</em>* iPhone mishaps -- such as battery
> issues or a faulty headphone jack -- from one year to two.\nThe iPhone X
> was unveiled to much fanfare last month. It boasts a radical update to the
> iPhone models of years past, with an all-glass display and an option to
> unlock with facial recognition.\nIt also has an all-glass back, so owners
> run the risk of cracking either side of the phone.\nHowever, Apple has
> claimed the glass on the iPhone 8 and iPhone X is much stronger than
> earlier models, so it could be *<em>harder</em> <em>to</em>
> <em>break</em>*.\nPre-orders
> for the phone began online Friday, and units were selling out quickly. The
> U.S. Apple Store site said it would take \n"]
> }
>   }
> }
> i get the correct document as a hit, but the highlighted text is wrong, i
> am wondering the querying is straight forward, match either condition 1 or
> condition 2
> where condition 1 =  "warranty that covers non-accidental"
> and condition 2 = "risking it all" AND "harder to break"
> now the hit is correct as condition 1 matched, but why is the highlight
> indicating that it also matched part of the condition 2. why is it ignoring
> the AND operator for condition 2
> Am i missing something here. I am hoping to get this resolved as i am
> planning to use even more complex queries like
> *(condition 1) OR (**condition **2) OR (**condition **3) OR (**condition
> **4
> AND condition 5) OR (**condition **6 AND condition 5 NOT condition 7)*
> I am looking for some pointers
> Thanks
> Ankit

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