Nawab Zada Asad Iqbal <> wrote:
> I have a webserver which uses solr for querying, this i guess is pretty
> typical. At times, there are 50 users sending queries at a given second.
> Sometimes, the queries take a few second to finish (i.e., if the max across
> all shards is 5 second  due to any local reason, even if the median is
> sub-second, the aggregator query will take 5 seconds).

No alarm bells until this point.

> This can cause some query load to build up on the aggregator node.
> This is all fine and understandable.

Yes, as long as the build-up is strictly temporary and not high, where "high" 
of course is hard to quantify. 

I might be misunderstanding something. Do you test by having a fixed number of 
workers issuing sequential queries (if so, how many workers?) or by firing off 
new queries at intervals, regardless of whether the previous queries has 
finished or not? It it is the latter, one explanation could be that your Solr 7 
setup is simply slower on average to respond than your Solr 4 setup, to the 
point where it cannot keep up with the influx of queries.

- Toke Eskildsen

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