Walter Underwood <> wrote:
> I knew about SOLR-7433, but I’m really surprised that 200 incoming requests 
> can need 4000 threads.
> We have four shards.

For that I would have expected at most 800 Threads. Are you perhaps doing 
faceting on multiple fields with facet.threads=5? (kinda grasping at straws 

> Why is there a thread per shard? HTTP can be done async: send1,
> send2, send3, send4, recv1 recv2, recv3, recv4. I’ve been doing
> that for over a decade with HTTPClient.

I don't know the reasoning. Should I design it from scratch, I would probably 
still use Threads (wrapped as Futures) as they are easy to work with. Getting 
into thousands of connections in Solr seems like a danger sigh to me, whether 
they are done async or not.

- Toke Eskildsen

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