
I’ve recently been using the dataimport handler to import records from a 
database into a Solr cloud collection with multiple shards. I have 6 dataimport 
handlers configured on 6 different paths all running simultaneously against the 
same DB. I’ve noticed that when I do this I often get “idle” status from the 
DIH even when the import is still running. The percentage of the time I get an 
“idle” response seems proportional to the number of shards. I.e., with 1 shard 
it always shows me non-idle status, with 2 shards I see idle about half the 
time I check the status, with 96 shards it seems to be showing idle almost all 
the time. I can see the size of each shard increasing, so I’m sure the import 
is still going.

I recently switched from 6.1 to 7.1 and I don’t remember this happening in 6.1. 
Does anyone know why the DIH would report idle when it’s running?

curl http://myserver:8983/solr/collection/dataimport6


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