A month ago we upgraded our SOLR from 4.10.1 to 6.5.1. Now we want to use
timeAllowed parameter that was fixed in Solr 5. We check this parameter in
test servers and we don't understand if it works with group=true or not. 

* If we set group=false and timeAllowed=10000 and query with too many terms:
sometimes it stops query, returns partial results and writes to log was
timeout and sometimes does nothing (oblivious to timeAllowed)

* If we set group=true and timeAllowed=10000 and query with too many terms:
sometimes writes to log was timeout without stopping query and without
returning partial result  and sometimes does nothing (oblivious to

1) Can somebody explain this behavior? 
2) Does timeAllowed parameter work with grouping in SOLR-6.5.1 (We saw
SOLR-6156 issue that was updated 22/Apr/15 09:20 in the last time)?
3) If query was stopped, partial results will be saved in cache?


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