On 1/3/2018 2:20 PM, Tech Id wrote:
I stumbled across https://wiki.apache.org/solr/DataImportHandler and found
it matching my needs exactly.
So I just wanted to confirm if it is an actively supported plugin, before I
start using it for production.

Are there any users who have had a good or a bad experience with DIH ?

DIH was already there when I first started using Solr 1.4.0 in late 2009.  It has not changed very much since then.

I used DIH exclusively for all indexing for the first little while.  Everything was controlled by a Perl program, which also handled deletes.

Now the Perl code has been replaced by SolrJ code, and the SolrJ code handles all the normal indexing.  DIH is still used in the environment, but only for full index rebuilds, which are very rare.

For a single-threaded indexing process, DIH is remarkably efficient.  For the fastest possible indexing, multi-threaded or multi-process indexing is required, which DIH cannot do.

DIH is not going anywhere as far as I know.  It doesn't get a lot of developer attention, because it works well and doesn't really need much attention.


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