Yes I do so. The Problem ist that the collect-Method is called for EVERY 
document the query matches. Even if the User only wants to see like 10 
documents. The Operation I have to perform takes maybe 50ms/per document if 
have to process them singel. And maybe 30ms if I could get a Document-List. But 
if the user e.g. uses an Wildcard query that matches maybe 100000 Documents 
even 25ms are much to long.

I can't speedup my code anymore. Is there an other good place to do my checks? 
I tried to remove the documents later but I don't know how to fetch more 
documents after removing them on a later step. (Otherwise I would return maybe 
only 5 or zero documents even if the user wants 10 and there are more documents 

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> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Re: Heavy operations in PostFilter are heavy
> Local Time: 3 January 2018 4:08 PM
> UTC Time: 3 January 2018 15:08
> From:
> To: solr-user <>, Solrmails 
> <>
> Are you doing cache=false and cost > 100?
> See the recent article on the topic deep-dive, if you haven't:
> Regards,
> Alex.
> On 3 January 2018 at 05:31, Solrmails wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I tried to write a Solr PostFilter to do filtering within the 
>> 'collect'-Method(DelegatingCollector). I have to do some heavy operations 
>> within the 'collect'-Method. This isn't a problem for a few results. But 
>> unfortunately it taks forever with 50 or more results. This is because I 
>> have to do the checks for every single id again and can't process a list of 
>> ids within 'collect'.
>> Is there a better place to do PostFiltering? But I don't want to reimplement 
>> the Solr Paging/Coursor-Feature to get my things to work.
>> Thank You

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