What is the cause reported in the solr log? This should be in:


that often gives a much more complete statement of what went wrong.

You don't really need the -cloud parameter, the -z parameter implies
that it's a SolrCloud
installation. That's not the root of your problem, more of an aside.

What's inconsistent here is that you started your third node on port
8987, but the URL you
accessed was 8983. That makes no sense to me. Forgetting the bits
about adding a new
Solr instance, do you see a healthy Solr cluster in the admin UI
before you add the
new instance? My bet is that your basic installation is messed up and
the new Solr node is
a red herring.

FWIW, I routinely spin up multiple Solr JVMs with :

mkdir ./example/cloud/node1

cp ./server/solr/solr.xml ./example/cloud/node1/solr


bin/solr start -z localhost:2181 -p 8981 -s example/cloud/node1/solr

Typically I use ports 8981, 8982, 8983, 8984 just because it makes keeping track
easier, but there's no reason 8987 wouldn't work.

Finally, assuming the Solr node starts successfully, you won't see
anything in the
admin UI unless you look under "live_nodes" in the
admin UI>>cloud>>tree


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