when you say : "However, for the phonetic matches, there are some matches
closer to the query text than others. How can we boost these results ? "

Do you mean closer in String edit distance ?
If that is the case you could use the String distance metric implemented in
Solr with a function query :
>From the wiki[1] : 

Calculate the distance between two strings. Uses the Lucene spell checker
StringDistance interface and supports all of the implementations available
in that package, plus allows applications to plug in their own via Solr’s
resource loading capabilities. strdist takes (string1, string2, distance

Possible values for distance measure are:

jw: Jaro-Winkler

edit: Levenstein or Edit distance

ngram: The NGramDistance, if specified, can optionally pass in the ngram
size too. Default is 2.

FQN: Fully Qualified class Name for an implementation of the StringDistance
interface. Must have a no-arg constructor.

You can add this to the edismax using a boost function ( boost parameter)

[1] https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/6_6/function-queries.html
[2] https://nolanlawson.com/2012/06/02/comparing-boost-methods-in-solr/

Alessandro Benedetti
Search Consultant, R&D Software Engineer, Director
Sease Ltd. - www.sease.io
Sent from: http://lucene.472066.n3.nabble.com/Solr-User-f472068.html

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