On the last question:
For Writes: Yes. Writes are going to be sent to the shard leader, and since 
PULL replicas can’t  be leaders, it’s going to be a TLOG replica. If you are 
using CloudSolrClient, then this routing will be done directly from the client 
(since it will send the update to the leader), and if you are using some other 
HTTP client, then yes, the PULL replica will forward the update, the same way 
any non-leader node would.

For reads: this won’t happen today, and any replica can respond to queries. I 
do believe there is value in this kind of routing logic, sometimes you simply 
don’t want the leader to handle any queries, specially when queries can be 
expensive. You could do this today if you want, by putting some load balancer 
in front and just direct your queries to the nodes you know are PULL, but keep 
in mind that this would only work in the single shard scenario, and only if you 
hit an active replica (otherwise, as you said, the query will be routed to any 
other node of the shard, regardless of the type), if you have multiple shards 
then you need to use the “shards” parameter and tell Solr exactly which nodes 
you want to hit for each shard (the “shards” approach can also be done in the 
single shard case, although you would be adding an extra hop I believe)

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> On Feb 11, 2018, at 6:35 PM, Greg Roodt <gro...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi
> I have a question around how queries are routed and load-balanced in a
> cluster of mixed TLOG and PULL replicas.
> I thought that I might have to put a load-balancer in front of the PULL
> replicas and direct queries at them manually as nodes are added and removed
> as PULL replicas. However, it seems that SolrCloud handles this
> automatically?
> If I add a new PULL replica node, it goes into state="recovering" while it
> pulls the core. As expected. What happens if queries are directed at this
> node while in this state? From what I am observing, the query gets directed
> to another node?
> If SolrCloud is handling the routing of requests to active nodes, will it
> automatically favour PULL replicas for read queries and TLOG replicas for
> writes?
> Thanks
> Greg

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