On 2/21/2018 1:21 AM, Santosh Narayan wrote:
I'm using ConcurrentUpdateSolrClient to push data into Solr. Currently, I'm
initializing it as follows:

ConcurrentUpdateSolrClientclient = new

This works fine when there are 50 requests coming in a short span of time(a
few seconds). The problem is when there aren't many requests. If there are
not many requests for say 5 minutes, then the queue size may not touch 50
and the data is not sent to the Solr Server. Is there a way I can add
another condition to this, where I can say either the QueueSize if 50 or a
timeout of 60 seconds, whichever is earliest? This way, in case there are
less requests, the records that came in would get pushed to the server
every 60 seconds.

The client should begin processing requests as soon as they are added, not when the queue fills up.  If you're seeing something different, then either there's a bug in ConcurrentUpdateSolrClient or your code is doing something very unusual.  Can you share the rest of the code using that client object?  What version of SolrJ are you using?


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