On 3/5/2018 11:38 PM, Sami al Subhi wrote:
I am using solr-php-client to interact with solr. I came this example that
shows how to add docs:
<http://www.ayalon.ch/en/code-samples/solr-php-client-example>  I checked
"service.php" file, more specifically the function "_documentToXmlFragment"
and it does not seem it supports "atomic updates".am I correct? is the only
way is to edit "_documentToXmlFragment" to support updates?

The php clients for Solr are third-party software.  None of them were created by the project.

To get help with that software, you need to contact its authors.  It seems that there are several codebases with the name "solr-php-client" so I do not know which one is the one that you are using.  This MIGHT be the correct project, but I can't be sure:


You'll probably need to examine the library that you're using to see if there are hints about where you can get support.

There are a fair number of php clients for Solr.  If that one is not doing the job, maybe you can switch to one of the others.


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