
For IPv4, use TrieIntField with precisionStep=8

For IPv6 https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-6741   There's nothing
there yet; you could help out if you are familiar with the codebase.  Or
you might try something relatively simple involving edge ngrams.

~ David

On Thu, Mar 22, 2018 at 1:09 PM Mike Cooper <mcoo...@carbonblack.com> wrote:

> I have scoured the web and cannot find any discussion of having the Lucene
> InetAddressPoint type exposed in Solr. Is there a reason this is omitted
> from the Solr supported types? Is it on the roadmap? Is there an
> alternative recommended way to index and store Ipv4 and Ipv6 addresses for
> optimal range searches and subnet searches? Thanks for your help.
> *Michael Cooper*
Lucene/Solr Search Committer, Consultant, Developer, Author, Speaker
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