Hello Markus,

It appears you are not familiar with PreAnalyzedUpdateProcessor?  Using
that is much more flexible -- you could have different URP chains for your
use-cases. IMO PreAnalyzedField ought to go away.  I argued for the URP
version and thus it's superiority to the FieldType here:
Sadly, the FieldType is the one that is documented in the ref guide, but
not the URP :-(

~ David

On Thu, Mar 29, 2018 at 5:06 PM Markus Jelsma <markus.jel...@openindex.io>

> Hello,
> We want to move to PreAnalyzed FieldType to offload our very heavy
> analysis chain away from the search cluster, so we have to configure our
> fields to accept pre-analyzed tokens in production.
> But we use the same schema in development environments too, and that is
> where we use JSON files, or stream (export/import) data directly from
> production servers into a development environment, again via JSON. And in
> case of disaster recovery, we can import the daily exported JSON bzipped
> files back into our production servers.
> But this JSON loading does not work with PreAnalyzed FieldType. So to load
> JSON we must reset all fields back to their respective language specific
> FieldTypes on-the-fly, we could automate, but it is a hassle we like to
> avoid.
> Have i overlooked any configuration parameters that can help? Must we
> automate the on-the-fly schema reconfiguration and reset to PreAnalyzed
> after JSON loading is finished?
> Many thanks!
> Markus
Lucene/Solr Search Committer, Consultant, Developer, Author, Speaker
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