OK, I guess this means this change been included in 7.3.0  I really
appreciate what all of the committers do, so please don't get this wrong.

Even with this and the preceding comment, I find it difficult to clearly
follow these changes.  Perhaps, as Shawn suggests, any such
consolidation and/or early release might be reflected back in the
original change (11622).

Anyway, I'm a happy camper now.  Thanks to all.

On 04/05/2018 11:37 AM, Shawn Heisey wrote:
> On 4/5/2018 9:05 AM, Terry Steichen wrote:
>> I'm a bit confused because of the issue I was concerned about earlier:
>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-11622
>> It was supposed to be fixed and included in (the then-future) 7.3, but I
>> don't see it there in the listed 7.3.0 changes/bug-fixes.
>> Am I missing something?
> One of the final comments in that issue says "Fixed as part of
> SOLR-11701".  That issue is listed in the CHANGES.txt.
> Perhaps the changelog entry for SOLR-11701 should have mentioned any
> other issues that were also fixed by the commit.  In Erick's defense,
> I'll say this:  Making sure that everything for one issue gets handled
> correctly in a decent timeframe can be a little overwhelming.  Details
> like the fact that the commit for one issue also solves another issue
> are easy to miss until later.
> Thanks,
> Shawn

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