What is the number of these status indicators? It is expected to have slower 
query if you have more clauses since Solr/Lucene has to load postings for each 
term and then OR them. The real question is why it is constantly slow since you 
are using fq and it should be cached. Did you disable filter cache? Or you 
maybe commit frequently and do not have warmup query that would load that 
filter in cache?

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> On 12 Apr 2018, at 09:46, LOPEZ-CORTES Mariano-ext 
> <mariano.lopez-cortes-...@pole-emploi.fr> wrote:
> Hi
> In our search application we have one facet filter (Status)
> Each status value corresponds to multiple values in the Solr database
> Example : Status : Initialized --> status in solr =  11I, 12I, 13I, 14I, ...
> On status value click, search is re-fired with fq filter:
> fq: status:(11I OR 12I OR 13I ....)
> This was very very inefficient. Filter query response time was longer than 
> same search without filter!
> We have changed status value in Solr database for corresponding to visual 
> filter values. In consequence, there is no OR in the fq filter.
> The performance is better now.
> What is the reason?
> Thanks!

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