Hi Alessandro,

Thanks for responding.

Let me take a step back and tell you the problem I have been facing with
this.So one of the features in my LTR model is:

  "store" : "my_feature_store",
  "name" : "in_aggregated_terms",
  "class" : "org.apache.solr.ltr.feature.SolrFeature",
  "params" : { "q" : "{!func}scale(query({!payload_score
f=aggregated_terms func=max v=${query}}),0,100)" }

so now with this feature if i apply FQ in solr it will scale the
values for all the documents irrespective of the FQ filter.

But if I change the feature to something like this:

  "store" : "my_feature_store",
  "name" : "in_aggregated_terms",
  "class" : "org.apache.solr.ltr.feature.SolrFeature",
  "params" : { "q" : "{!func}scale(query({!field f=aggregated_terms
v=${query}}),0,100)" }

Then the it scales properly with FQ aswell.

And about that verification I simply check the results returned like
in Case 1 after applying the FQ filter that feature score doesn't
scale to its maximum value of 100 which i think is because of the fact
that it scales over all the documents and returns only the subset with
the FQ filter applied.

Alternatively is their any way I can scale these value during
normalization time with a customized class which iterates over all the
re-ranked documents only.

Thanks a lot in advance.

Looking forward to hearing back from you soon.



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