On 5/2/2018 3:13 AM, Mohan Cheema wrote:
> We are using Solr to index our data. The data contains £ symbol within the 
> text and for currency. When data is exported from the source system data 
> contains £ symbol, however, when the data is imported into the Solr £ symbol 
> is converted to �.
> How can we keep the £ symbol as is when importing data?

What tools are you using to look at Solr results?  What tools are you
using to send update data to Solr?

Solr expects and delivers UTF-8 characters.  If the data you're sending
to Solr is using another character set, Java may not interpret it correctly.

Conversely, if whatever you're using to look at Solr's results is also
not expecting/displaying UTF-8, you might not be shown correct characters.


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