I began with a 7.2.1 solr instance using the techproducts sample data. Next, I 
added "a" as a stopword (there were originally no stopwords). 

I tried two queries: "x a b" and "x b". 

Here is the raw query parameters: 
q=x b&fl=id,score,price&sort=score desc&qf=name^0.75 manu cat^3.0 

q=x a b&fl=id,score,price&sort=score desc&qf=name^0.75 manu cat^3.0 

The idea is that I want different weights for the different fields, and I want 
to be able to take the score of each term from its best field, i.e. score the 
"x" from its match against the "cat" field and the "b" against the "features" 

When I have "x b" I get this behavior exactly, with the parsed query as 
+(((name:x)^0.75 | manu:x | (features:x)^10.0 | (cat:x)^3.0) ((name:b)^0.75 | 
manu:b | (features:b)^10.0 | (cat:b)^3.0)) 

When I use "x a b" I instead get: 
+((name:x name:b)^0.75 | (manu:x manu:b) | (features:x features:b)^10.0 | 
(cat:x cat:a cat:b)^3.0) 

With the "x a b" query suppose document 1 matches "x" in "features" and matches 
"b" in "cat". This document will get a single score based upon either its "x" 
or its "b", but the score will not be the sum, as would have been the case had 
the query been, "x b". 

How do I get the edismax parser to behave the same for queries with stopwords 
as it does without stopwords, keeping the behavior constant for queries with no 

I tried using the stopwords parameter, but I get the same results with that 
parameter taking the value of true or false. I also tried using the tie 
parameter, but the tie parameter seem to change a max to a sum (it sums up the 
scores of each field for each query term, rather than taking the max of all 
fields for how well they match a query term). 

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