On 5/2/2018 1:03 PM, Mike Konikoff wrote:
> Is there a way to configure the DataImportHandler to use bind variables for
> the entity queries? To improve database performance.

Can you clarify where these variables would come from and precisely what
you want to do?

>From what I can tell, you're talking about ? placeholders in a
PreparedStatement.  Is that correct?  This works well for situations
where you are writing JDBC code, but DIH is a configuration-based setup
where the user cannot write the JDBC code.

The only DIH-related code where PreparedStatement or prepareStatement
appears is in a test for DIH, not in DIH code itself.  I don't think DIH
has any support for what you want, but until you clarify exactly what
your intent is, I can't say for sure.


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