On 5/2/2018 11:45 AM, Patrick Recchia wrote:
> Is there any logging I can turn on to know when a commit happens and/or
> when a segment is flushed?

The normal INFO-level logging that Solr ships with will log all
commits.  It probably doesn't log segment flushes unless they happen as
a result of a commit, though.  The infoStream logging would have that

Your autoCommit settings are ensuring that commitWithin is never going
to actually cause a commit.  Your interval for autoCommit is 60000 (one
minute), commitWithin is 500000 (a little over eight minutes).  The
autoCommit has openSearcher set to true, so there will always be a
commit with a new searcher occurring within one minute after an update
is sent, and commitWithin will never be needed.

Here's what I think I would try:  On autoCommit, set openSearcher to
false.  If you want to have less than an eight minute window for
document visibility, then reduce commitWithin to 120000.  Increase
ramBufferSizeMB to 256 or 512, which might require an increase in heap
size as well.  Instead of using commitWithin, you could configure
autoSoftCommit with a maxTime of 120000.

Here's some additional info about commits:


The title says "SolrCloud" but the concepts are equally applicable when
not running in cloud mode.


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