On 5/10/2018 7:51 AM, Issei Nishigata wrote:
I am designing a schema.

I calculated the number of the necessary field as trial, and found that I
need at least more than 35000.
I do not use all these fields in 1 document.
I use 300 field each document at maximum, and do not use remaining 34700

Does this way of using it affect performance such as retrieving and
If it is affected, what kind of alternative idea do we have?

There are no storage efficiency degradations from having fields defined that aren't used in particular documents.

It is likely that having so many fields is going to result in extremely large and complex queries.  That is the potential performance problem.

The efficiency of each clause of the query will not be affected by having several thousand fields unused in each document, but if your queries include clauses for searching thousands of fields, then the query will run slowly.  If you are constructing relatively simple queries that only touch a small number of fields, then that won't be a worry.


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